A Wonderful Email from Happy Clients
Posted Monday 19 October, 2020 in
We are incredibly touched by the kind words from our wonderful clients, Jennifer and Richard, who have now been living in their dream home for three remarkable years. It brings us immense joy to hear how their house has not only met but exceeded their expectations, reflecting their unique way of living. They recently wrote to us to say:
“It occurs to me that we have now been in the house for three years and it might be timely to thank you and the team again for your design skills and all the help you gave us. The garden is looking much better and complementing the house well and it will mature nicely over the next couple of years. Jennifer has carefully and over time managed the interior decor and, outside, all parts of the building have rigorously been tested by the weather over the last three years. Overall we are really pleased with it and, best of all, the design and layout meet our way of living so very well. The rooms work well together and the kitchen/diner/lounge are is functional and beautiful. One doubt we had was over the utility area – whether to build the kitchen into that area or divide it off with a sliding door. Following your advice to close it off we made the right decision – with the utility acting as a food prep area and place for the dishes etc that can be closed off – keeping the cooking space and island clear and tidy.
You will recall my dislike of corridors in bungalows and your solution of a wide entrance hall works superbly. It is of course the route between the lounge and the master bedroom – but it is also a room in itself with the office nook and a seating area with the advantage of bifolds opening onto the glass balcony.
So – a thankyou from Jennifer and I to you and the team. I can see you are going from strength to strength with your designs and the website is excellent. We are pleased that our house features among so many very good designs on display.”
A Heartfelt Thank You
Jennifer and Richard’s heartfelt words remind us why we are passionate about what we do. We thank them for entrusting us with their dream home project and for being a part of our journey. Their satisfaction and appreciation are the greatest testament to our commitment to excellence in design.
To learn more about this project please click this link.
Once again, thank you, Jennifer and Richard, for your kind words and for allowing us to be a part of your beautiful journey in creating your dream home. We look forward to continuing to create exceptional designs that reflect the unique visions of our valued clients.